Thursday, September 3, 2009

Red meat boycott sad ending!

I regret to say that I have ended red meat boycott which I obeyed for one month according to the consumer protection society, not because I missed the meat, but because I couldn't explain to my mother that although we can afford to buy the meat, we have had to follow the society's demands to protect the poor people from the greedy merchants.
I ate the meat, it was tasteless, not because it wasn’t cooked well , but I was ashamed because I broke the boycott. I apologize to the people  I stood with for one month and to the consumer society, but I couldn’t say No to my old mother

1 comment:

  1. One month is good enough to make a statement, do not worry about it too much! honoring your mother's feelings is also a great thing! thanks for sharing your honest experience. and you can always go back to boycotting again!
